What Restoration Option Is Available For A Decayed Tooth? All You Should Know About Endodontic Treatments

1 August 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

You will likely think about pain when someone mentions a root canal procedure. However, the pain results from a dental health issue that leads to the need for treatment. Endodontic treatment is typically painless because the dental practitioner performs it while the patient is under sedation. The treatment involves removing infected tissue inside the teeth and sealing the gap to avoid further bacterial action on the soft tissue. Here is everything you might need to know regarding the root canal procedure. Read More 

Improving Your Smile With Invisalign Treatments

27 June 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you suffer from dental alignment issues, there are effective solutions for straightening your teeth. However, you may be one of many individuals that may not feel comfortable when evaluating the options that are available. In this regard, you should always avoid overlooking the benefits that can come with choosing to use Invisalign treatments to correct the alignment problems that your teeth are experiencing. Invisalign Retainers Can Have A Lower Chance Of Contributing To Cavities Read More 

What To Know About Gingival Hyperplasia

17 May 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Do you have a lot of gum tissue that surrounds your teeth, causing your smile to look a bit gummy? This is known as gingival hyperplasia, which is a dental condition that you need to know more about. Why Gingival Hyperplasia Happens One of the main reasons that gingival hyperplasia can happen is because of poor oral health care at home. It's typically a problem caused by inflamed gums, which can happen due to not brushing and flossing regularly. Read More 

The Pros and Cons of Invisalign Braces Vs. Traditional Braces

30 March 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Smiling confidently is one small act that many people take for granted. Many others with crooked or missing teeth feel uncomfortable and awkward about smiling and this insecurity can damage a person's self-esteem and social life. That's why many people decide to get braces to fix a crooked smile. But for some, the solution may be as uncomfortable as the problem. That's why some choose invisible braces like Invisalign rather than traditional braces. Read More 

What Happens During Your Child’s First Dental Exam?

28 February 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Pediatric dental exams offer the best protection against abnormal tooth alignment, gum disease, and other dental conditions in children. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), parents should schedule their child's first dental exam six months after the first tooth erupts or before their first birthday. Keep reading to find out what happens during your child's first dental exam.  The Dentist Gets to Bond with Your Child Your child's first dental visit doesn't necessarily involve any treatment. Read More