Dental crowns have a long average lifespan. The type of material used in the construction of the crown greatly influences its longevity. On one end of the spectrum are crowns made from new ceramic materials such as zirconia, which can last 10–15 years. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns typically last 5–15 years.
Indeed, the type of material is the primary factor when it comes to the longevity of dental crowns. However, there are a few things you can do to extend the life of these dental restorations.
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A dental implant is a more permanent solution to the loss of a tooth than other options. Patients sometimes wonder if the dental implant procedure is worth the investment, however. Folks dealing with even one of the following four problems should consider dental implants.
Multiple Extractions
The loss of a single tooth, especially in the back or side of your mouth, might not be more than a minor annoyance. Losing several teeth to extractions, though, can be problematic.
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If you have weak or damaged teeth, one of the best ways you can protect them from further issues is by securing a dental crown over them. If you just got one and hope to extend its life for a long time, here are some things you can do.
Wear a Mouth Guard at Night
If you want to give your crown maximum protection from damage, then you might consider wearing a mouth guard at night.
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For individuals that suffer from alignment issues with their teeth, Invisalign is a treatment solution that will allow individuals to correct the alignment problems that their teeth may have developed.
Alignment Problems Can Impact A Person's Speech
The cosmetic issues that dental alignment problems can create will often be one of the primary concerns that people will have about this type of issue. However, it is important to note that individuals may also experience speech issues related to their dental alignment problems.
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You will likely think about pain when someone mentions a root canal procedure. However, the pain results from a dental health issue that leads to the need for treatment. Endodontic treatment is typically painless because the dental practitioner performs it while the patient is under sedation. The treatment involves removing infected tissue inside the teeth and sealing the gap to avoid further bacterial action on the soft tissue. Here is everything you might need to know regarding the root canal procedure.
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