3 Prosthodontics Options For A Cracked Canine Tooth
ShareThe canine teeth are the sharp fang-like teeth in the front of your mouth that play an important role in holding the food while your front teeth bite down. A cracked canine tooth can cause you chewing difficulties and self-esteem issues since the tooth is so clearly visible in your mouth when you speak or smile. There are a few prosthodontics that your dentist can potentially use to cover the crack.
Prosthodontics are simply dental techniques used to change the look of a tooth for the better. Here are a few of the potential helpers available from your dentist's office.
Dental Resin Bonds
Bonds are made out of a resin material that starts off malleable so that the dentist can mold the new look for your tooth. The resin is molded directly onto your canine until the crack is covered and the desired shape is created. The dentist finishes by hardening the resin into place using a dental light. The bond procedure is done in one appointment and comes with a lower price tag than some other treatment options.
Resin does have some downsides, too. The material is more vulnerable to damage than porcelain or metal so you will need to exercise some caution when chewing hard foods. Try to keep the hard food away from the bonded canine. Staining foods should also be avoided since resin stains like natural teeth but doesn't whiten like natural teeth. A stained bond will need replacing.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers cover the front of the canine like a bond but don't mold directly onto the tooth. The veneer is created from a mold of your canine then crafted in a lab. Your dentist will lightly sand down the surface of the canine to help the bonding cement adhere to the tooth's surface. The veneer is then pressed into place over the bonding cement, which quickly dries and adheres the veneer in place.
The porcelain is stronger than resin though it's still a wise idea not to bite down on an extremely hard food like an apple with any type of prosthodontics. Porcelain is more stain resistant than resin so there's a lessened chance of staining that would cause the need for replacing the veneer.
Dental Crowns
A dental crown, unlike the bond and veneer, covers the entire canine so is best when the crack has caused significant structural damage to the tooth. Porcelain and metal-backed porcelain crowns are available with the latter having a stronger foundation to protect against bite damage. The dentist will need to shave down the canine a decent amount to accommodate the girth of the dental crown, but that isn't a huge problem since the crown will form the new exterior of the tooth anyway.
For more information, visit websites like http://www.pikedentistry.com.